If diagnosed and detected early, throat cancer can be treated and most people can go on to live normal and healthy lives. In this video, you'll learn about detecting the symptoms of throat cancer, and ...
This video will teach and demonstrate the thyroid status assessment and thyroid gland examination in a patient. As a doctor, you will, at some point in your career, need to examine the thyroid gland i ...
This is a special four-part series on the human head, neck and skull. Medical students can greatly benefit from watch this anatomy video series. Dr. Gita Sinha "dissects" all of the information pertai ...
In Obstetrics and Gynecology (OB/GYN), doctors deal specifically with the female reproductive organs, which means a lot of visual inspection of the vaginal area. Whether you're a doctor, surgeon, nurs ...
In this video lesson for doctors, you will learn how to do a shoulder examination. First, you'll get a review of the procedures for evaluating any joint, and then jump into the basics of inspection of ...
A brief neurologic examination includes six sections: 1) mental status exam, 2) testing cranial nerves, 3) sensation exam, 4) testing strength, 5) deep tendon reflexes exam, and 6) coordination exam. ...
This video will teach doctor and medical students how to perform a full abdomen examination. John D. Gazewood, MD, MSPH, will show you the whole process, from the first steps of inspecting the abdomen ...
Eve Bargmann, M.D., will teach doctors in this video how to perform an examination of the patient's heart and blood vessels. As with any examination, you should start out with inspection. Start off wi ...
In this video, doctors can learn how to perform a full cardiac examination on a patient. The very first thing a doctor should do is visually inspect the patient, because there's a lot that can be gain ...
When you're examining a patient's chest, you start out by simply looking at them— by inspection. It will be hard to count the respirations visually on a healthy person's chest because it moves so litt ...